“Till death” (NOT) 

Yesterday, I was having a tough day to say the least bit as I scroll down my Facebook fields I came to a status that made me smile…. 

it was the status of my fellow rainbow seeker. Love to be on the floor, Youth leader CHM, as she  post about her busy weeks of graduations, sometimes 2 per day, I smile what else will a Youth leader be doing!! 

Then I saw her status ” when you die, come haunt us, so you can talk to us” what ?!?!!!

Oh my world! I start laughing, not even death can keep them away from her,   So I won’t be saying “sleep in sweet peace dear rainbow seeker”. Nope! 

It funny to me as a youth leader and some one who knows her and her “dysfunctional youths” but I start thinking wow!!! 

What if we impact a generation so much that even in death, they still want to hear you! You have changed some many  lives so much that the phase “till death” doesn’t stand!

A love that knows no borders or boundaries, a love that not even death can separate, no greater love have these, that a youth leader who gives her life for her youths .


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