The Expected End

It has been a cold winter with a deep freeze and as I try to bundle up (I don’t like layers of clothes). I complain about the cold temps, writers blocks (working on a special project)  and just life happens, I start saying this is the winter on my discontentment. I guess I had complain one time too many about writers block and the temperature to my cousin Debbie and true to her character she continues to encourage me to keep writing and remind me that spring is on the way. It will come. It has to come. The flowers will bloom, the birds will sing and Spring will be here!!

It has an “expected” end to this winter. So hold on change is coming when you want to cry, sign, looking at the ‘winter blues. Hold on everything will be alright. Hold on change is coming and spring will show up.

Are you comfortable?

In Karen Kingsbury series “above the lines” she used the quote “God is more concerned about your character than your comfort”. Wait a minute. Breathe. Sit with that for a moment. Let the tears fall if they have to. Now, how comfortable are you? because for me right here right now its very uncomfortable. Every fiber of my being is screaming and I am screaming again “Why? How long? Are you there? Do you see this? Did you hear what they said? and you still want me to be Christ-like? I know the answer is yes to all of the above but my flesh is so uncomfortable I can jump out of my skin and then I grab my bible, go for a prayer walk, journal, or work on some blogs and it happens. The peace of God that possess all understanding shows up and calms me down and sometimes/most of the time if I stay quiet I realize how much I have grown, how much I have learned, the fruits of the spirit shows up and yes I shake my head. God is defining my character, he is making me more Christ-like. He is giving me a servant heart or a hurting for hurting people. He is developing my inter-ceremony prayer life. It is about character not comfort. #buildingcharacter

Unanswered Prayer

Have you ever prayed for something and God said no and you were disappointed maybe even mad. Its not like what you prayed for was bad. Sometimes it may have had the best intentions, selflessness and even ministry and God said no.

Wait a minute, Will God say no to ministry? Yes, he sometimes does. The thing is as I look back over my life and remember some of the things I prayed for especially the ones I thought was good and honorable, I am so grateful that God the ultimate good father knew what was best for me and did not answer these prayers


Where have I been?

Hello to the otherside (lol)

I know i have been MIA and i really missed our time together but please know that has life happens and somethings where outside of my control… you my readers were never far from my thoughts

i have been working on several projects and will update you soon but keep an eye on my social media presence and looks for project such as “bible battles” and V.I.N

so what have you been up to leave me a comment below.. thanks for taking the time to visit me here

Thriving and Striving Not Just Surviving

If you had asked me up to maybe a year ago how am I doing? My answer would’ve been “I survived” “I am surviving”. I have survived my past, got the book, the t-shirt, and the mug. I had to overcome a lot to get where I am, professionally and personally. I am still overcoming. I have gone from victim to victor, yes I have survived. Well Jesus came so I can have life abundantly. He does not want me just to survive, he wants me to thrive and keep striving. So as I really look back and write my Ebeneezer journey. I did not just survive my past, I thrived within it. I conquered those mountains by using those bumps as stepping stones and I found a way to be the best in the midst of it. That’s thriving. That’s striving for an abundant life. That’s living out Ps. 91 That’s my testimony.


30 Days to Normal

If you have been following me on my blogs or social media, you will know my life is anything but normal. I usually tell people it is my “normal” because this is my life. I have to learn to adapt  to emergency and life interruptions and find normal for me and my family. Most motivated speakers and counselors will say it takes 21 days to break or create a habit and that is true. In any of life changes or circumstance, if you survived your first 30 days you can survive this change even if its a situtation of lost. Life will go on , you will adapt to the change and you will find a normal routine. The key is to not give up, take it one day at a time, and don’t forget to breathe. At the end you will say it is/has worked for my good.

Accepting Apologies

My newest grandbaby Kaleb Nehemiah Young is here. He is actually 2 months old and like his mama, like all great mamas before her is so in love with him. As I watch my daughters step into their roles of wife and mom. I am so proud of them. As I watch and listen to Rae-Quel conquer single parenting. I told her so was her mother before her. Its not the legacy I want for her and Kaleb but if I say so myself, I rocked single parenting and my warrior princess is doing the same. Yes she has amazing support that includes a bigger brother or as she calls him her biggest big brother is fiercely protecting her and Kaleb. Its so wonderful to see and as she complains with joy and pride on her face and in her heart of the things Kaleb is doing or not letting her do, I can’t help but smile and let her know I am accepting apologies and will be waiting for them whenever she is ready because they will be coming my way soon. Yes I am that petty to rub it in.


Beyond the Yes

This blog has been on my heart for a couple of weeks as I ponder how and if I really want to write it. I choose to write a couple different blogs but can’t seem to get this out of my system so here I go.

” I say yes lord yes to your will and way” then what? What comes after the yes. I’m sure if I ask 100 people this question I will get at least 80 different answers, varying from doing work to lifestyle and everything in between. The answer will be as different as there are teaching, demonstrations, and faith. So as we go beyond the yes and get into the center of his will, trusting his way, even when we don’t understand it and trusting him. That is going beyond the yes. That is walking out our salvation. It may be different for each of us but we have to push pass salvation and get to living the center of his will… going Beyond The Yes


Anna’s Story (NO/YES- Did I give Permission)

This is another story of my Starbucks conversations series. Anna is a 20 year old that lives in Sasha Bruce home for unaccompanied/runaway youth. I met her when I went to sign up to volunteer at their program. As I tour the building my eyes caught a poster on one of the walls in the community room. It was about “breaking the silence” on incest, rape, and abuse. Even though I had seen many posters, this one really stayed with me. No still means No and Yes is not allowed. Wow! Well this brings me to my session with Anna and her caseworker. She was re-calling her past history of sexual abuse for several family members and her biggest issue was Did her silence give consent? Because she never said no to her dad, uncle, and family members. It was a lot of guilt on her and one of the reason why she was/is living at the home. She ran away from home and started abusing prescription pills to numb the pain. She described her life as a functioning depression, havong no joy as she went through her daily routine. I actually had a moment to pray and do a bible study with her because from my personal experience its hard to “see” God as the perfect parent when your human parents were…. but he really is the ultimate good father.

As I listen to Anna tell us about her uncle who used to “feel her up” almost everytime she visit their home which was alot since her and her sibling would go over their after school. She talked about a cousin who picked her up after school and take her to secluded places and have sex with her, even teaching her “how to move” before taking her home and this was also the case of another cousin. It was hard listening to her. I can’t imagine living it. Her questions stayed with me as I ask myself them over again looking for the right answer. How did these men know she was going to stay quiet? Was her silence consent? Since she continued not to tell and went with the family members was that saying yes? That is the reason the poster stayed with me. Can a female  give consent by being silent by staying silent to rape and sexual abuse from her family members. I am grateful that she is finally safe and on her way to recovery


(Disclaimer: I was given permission to tell this story but names were changed to protect her privacy)